Check list when grammar editing essay

Check list when grammar editing essay Economy Insights

Your biggest enemy when writing an admission essay is autopilot. Because you pay little attention to small things, like grammar errors, you can focus on important things.
2022-05-28, by Ted Jackman, Independent Financial Adviser

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In the end, you might get an essay that is creatively written by is full of mistakes. Without proofreading, this essay can greatly damage your chances of getting into university.

Of course, it is always better to entrust proofreading and editing to professionals. They know what admissions committees are looking for and what mistakes they do not accept. Be sure to find the best application essay editing service, anything less will not be enough in this situation.

How to check grammar

When proofreading, you need to focus your attention. Even when you know the text by heart it is important to be careful and not miss anything. Every writer makes certain mistakes over and over again. For example, there are "keyboard mistakes" (you might tap two keys at once).

Here’s what you should do when looking for grammar mistakes:

  • Check several times. If you make certain types of errors frequently, read through the text several times, paying attention to one of your favorite errors each time.  Check spelling word by word, it helps to read the text from back to front, word by word. Because the content doesn't "interfere," it's easier for you to scrutinize each word.
  • Read the text aloud. The same principle works here: when you read the text aloud, skimming through is not enough. You need to look at the words more closely so that you can pronounce them. This helps you catch mistakes.
  • Cover the text. If you read the text line by line, it's easier to pay attention to each word. And if you cover the text below the current line, your subconscious can't just rush ahead before you've made sure there are no grammar errors in a particular word.
  • Use the spell checker. There is nothing wrong with using external tools. That way you can find and correct errors right away. Some writers feel disturbed by the spell checker in their writing flow. Then they simply switch off the checker while writing. But in the end, they turn it on again. This way, they catch a lot of possible spelling mistakes.
  • A different set of eyes has an advantage. If you can somehow arrange it, don't proofread yourself, but have someone else proofread. Different eyes see errors that escape you. You can never look at your text as impartially as someone reads it for the first time.

Do not beat yourself up if you are overwhelmed by spell checking process. Programs sometimes make suggestions that you shouldn't just accept. Microsoft Word, for example, wants to put more apostrophes than necessary. This apostrophe is not mandatory and many typographers think: if it is not necessary, better no apostrophe. Most people use professional editing services for that because it is easier and an experienced editor is much better at catching mistakes. Besides, your essay might need more than one or two changes, and only professionals can help you with it.

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